Our wonderful handmade Lavender Bouquet Design Linen Sachet Pillow measures 4.5 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide.
This delightfully gorgeous Lavender Bouquet Design Linen Sachet Pillow is handmade in Germany and features fresh bright white linen with a hand embroidered design of a bouquet of purple lavender flower stems. A removable insert can be refilled with a new supply of dried lavender, which means, this little sachet will last forever.
Add the linen sachet pillow to your drawers or closets to chase out the moths and leave a wonderful fresh fragrance. It would also be great to hang in front of an air conditioning intake or an open window to allow the fresh breezes to blow in the beautiful lavender scent throughout your home. You can probably think of a hundred more uses. Bring home your own little piece of German craftsmanship that will make wonderful gifts too.